YOUR ARE MORE THAN YOU THINK, DONT LET OTHERS DOWN IT I am a art you cant see, A glacier you cant move, I am person with a wound, A shine out of your sight, I am a soldier I fight with, A sun that shatters every night, I am a home I wait for, A breeze that can't suffer, I am a lost bird, A broken piece charred, I am beginning to a story, A end you cant design, I am diamond, A love that can't let go.... we see lot of things, we hurt like no one ever does, but we still backup ourselves, like a injured soldier, we fight with ourselves, like a king for his kingdom, world full of people who we don't know, little love can help a soul find his peace, lost bird can't find its way, but a eagle can, its a voice in you, which wants to speak, its a soul which seeks your dove, just woke up buddy we had enough!!! its time to shine, to shine your true selves, its hard I agree , but you are more strong we all know, maybe you are injured but you still are armed, we see lot of things, l...